GX and DX

GX and DX at North・
20-22 November 2023・2023年11月20-22日
Sapporo, FMI Hall (Hokkaido University)・
English and Japanese with simultaneous interpretation・
Free of charge, pre-registration needed・無料、事前登録が必要
Registration・参加登録: HERE
Pexels: Laura Penwell
Green (GX) and digital transformations (DX) are processes resulting in fundamental changes to how public authorities and private businesses operate, provide services and manufacture products. GX is to ensure development and economic growth based on resource-efficient solutions advancing environmental and social well-being. DX is based on the adoption of digital technology and digitization of new types of products and services. It is expected to generate improved efficiency, innovations and greater satisfaction among citizens and customers. At the crossroads of these processes are questions concerning energy production, distribution, and storage, environmentally sustainable and efficient digital and physical infrastructure, and smart ways of production and service provision. This international forum approaches GX and DX from the context of the North, which is often associated with features ranging from cold climate to sparse population. Yet, northern regions have also pioneered in the research and development of products, services and infrastructures that are globally valued and lean on the local assets.
Program・プログラム (tentative, subject to change)
November 20
0930 Doors open・開場
1000-1015 Opening Session・開催あいさつ
GX and DX at North – A short introduction (Juha Saunavaara, Hokkaido University)
Opening words (recorded video), Tanja Jääskeläinen, Ambassador of Finland to Japan
1015-1035 Keynote 1・基調講演1: Edgar Bohner, VTT
1035-1145 Session 1: Renewable energy production and smart energy solutions・再生可能エネルギー生産・スマートエネルギー
Moderator: Sanna Öörni, VTT
1.Kari Mäki, VTT
2. Takao Katsura, Hokkaido University
3. Seppo Ihalainen, Firma-Rise Ltd & Pori Offshore Wind Hub
4. Akira Yokoyama, Wärtsilä Japan
1145-1245 Lunch (self-paid)・昼ご飯(自己負担)
1245-1410 Session 2: Hydrogen, energy storage and CCS・水素、エネルギー貯蔵、CCS
Moderator: Kirsi Kotilainen, VTT
1. Pami Aalto, University of Tampere
2. Anna Still, Hycamite TCD Technologies
3. Junichi Sasaki, City of Muroran
4. Antti Arasto, VTT
5. Takashi Kawabata, Japan CCS Co., Ltd.
1410-1430 Break・休憩
1430-1450 Keynote 2・基調講演2: Sune Strøm, Royal Danish Embassy, Japan
1450-1600 Session 3: Smart agriculture and forestry・スマート農林業
Moderator: Juha Saunavaara, Hokkaido University
1. Toshiki Makita, NTT Communications
2. Tuomo Puumalainen, Arbonaut
3. Kei Sato, Hokkaido Government
18:00 Reception dinner (self-paid, 5500 yen)・レセプション/ディナー(自己負担、5500円)/Tsuruga Buffet Dining Sapporo, Akarenga Terrace 2F・鶴雅ビュッフェダイニング 札幌[赤レンガテラス2F](https://www.tsuruga-buffet.com/en/)
November 21
0930 Door’s open・開場
1000-1020 Keynote 3・基調講演3: Masami Ito, Hokkaido Government
1020-1040 Keynote 4・基調講演4: Jukka-Pekka Partanen, CSC
1040-1150 Session 4: Environmentally sustainable and energy efficient IT infrastructure I・環境的に持続可能な、エネルギー効率の高いITインフラストラクチャ1
Moderator: Jay Kishigami, Muroran Institute of Technology
1. Hiroshi Esaki, The University of Tokyo; WIDE Project
2. Tatsuya Yanagibashi, Nokia Solutions and Networks
3. Tsuyoshi Yamada, Eurus Energy
4. Nao Yanagawa, Flower Communications
1150-1245 Lunch (self-paid)・昼ご飯(自己負担)
1245-1330 Session 5: Environmentally sustainable and energy efficient IT infrastructure II・環境的に持続可能な、エネルギー効率の高いITインフラストラクチャ2
Moderator: Juha Saunavaara, Hokkaido University
1. Finnish Data Center Association (recorded video)
2. Johannes Hyvönen, Aalto University (recorded video)
3. Wes Vermeere, Datacenter Forum (recorded videos)
4. Short panel discussion
1330-1350 Keynote 5・基調講演5: Daisuke Arita, Arteria Networks
1350-1410 Break・休憩
1410-1520 Session 6: Smart and energy efficient cities and buildings・スマート・エネルギー効率の高い都市や建物
Moderator: Kari Mäki, VTT
1. Takashi Sugawara, Daiwa House Industry & Tetsuya Kurita, Hokkaido Gas
2. Taro Mori, Hokkaido University
3. Akihiro Satake, City of Sapporo
1520-1540 Keynote 6: Kamrul Hossain, University of Lapland
1540-1600 Closing Session・閉会あいさつ
Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, Hokkaido University & Hokkaido Nutopia Data Center Study Group
Koichi Tanaka, Business Finland
November 22 (limited number of seats available)
0830 Participants gather together・参加者の集まり
0845 Departure from Sapporo city center (bus transportation)・札幌から出発 (バス)
0930-1130 Company visit: Sakura Internet・石狩着、さくらインターネット見学
1130-1145 Observation and short introduction of the ongoing construction projects: Ishikari Renewable Energy-Run Data Center No. 1 & Kyocera Communications Data Center
1145-1230; Guided bus tour: wind power and biomass energy production sites in Ishikari・石狩地域にある再生可能エネルギー施設のご案内(外観を見ながら概要を説明する、バス移動)
1230-1315 Lunch break (self-paid)・昼ご飯
1315-1430 Bus transportation to Tomakomai・苫小牧方面(バス移動)
1430-1530 Hokkaido Electric Power Company Hydrogen Production Facility・北電水電解装置視察
1530-1615 Guided bus tours (solar power & CCS)・移動(途中、車窓から太陽光パネル+CCS)
1615-1715 Tomakomai Biomass Power Plant・苫小牧バイオマス視察
1715-1815 Bus transportation beck to Sapporo・札幌に戻・
(confirmed) SPEAKERS・発表者

Advanced IT Prototyping Laboratory

Hokkaido Government
